Weekly Roundup: Sunday, December 1, 2024
Behold! " Behold, the days come, saith the Lord," says the King James Version of the beginning of Jeremiah 33.
When John the Baptist saw Jesus walking out in the desert along the Jordan where John was baptizing, he said, "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world" (John 1: 29). The next day when he sees Jesus again, he says, "Behold the Lamb of God!" (John 1: 36).
The word "Behold" invites us to pause, reflect, and pay attention to the significant moments in our lives, especially where God is at work. Behold encourages us not just to hear but also to perceive or comprehend deeply.
As we begin this Advent season, "Behold" is the word that draws us into the mystery of God's work. It invites us to pause, pay attention, and open our hearts to God's promises. Advent reminds us that God is always at work, fulfilling His promises even in our waiting, our struggles, and our doubts.
What do we do when it feels like God's promises in our lives are ending? Listen for the word "Behold!" Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, is a sign that God is about to do something new.
Pastor Jamey
Click Here to Read the Complete Sermon
(Click Here to Watch the Worship Service from Gainesville First United Methodist Church, Gainesville, Georgia)
Weekend Prayer
Lord, as we journey through Advent, may we walk as people of hope, proclaiming Your promises and sharing the light of Christ with the world. Be glorified in our lives as we commit ourselves to You today. In the name of Jesus, our Savior and King, we pray. Amen.
Wisdom Nugget: Advent declares that God’s promises never fail. Whatever brokenness you carry, let this season remind you that hope is not a concept—it’s a person. Hope is Jesus. #TheWonderOfHope #AdventHope
A Question to Consider: Can you share a time when you saw God fulfill a promise in your life or someone else’s? How does this impact your trust in God for the future?
Meme of the week
Dad Jokes
Why don't Santa's elves like to share? They're elfish!
What do you call a snowman party? A Snow Ball!
Photo Taken By Me
Book I am reading this week
Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
Found Interesting on Social Media
Podcast Worth Listening to:
Articles that caught my eye (Slow reading week):
Some Final Personal-Finance Advice From Jonathan Clements
13 Quirky Facts About Georgia That Sound Made Up, But Are 100% Accurate
The Real Reasons the Unchurched Do Not Attend (What Your Church Can Do About It)
Happening at Gainesville First United Methodist Church, Gainesville, Georgia
Friday, December 6 / 7:30pm / GFUMC Sanctuary
Join us for a delightful holiday celebration featuring well-loved and new choral Christmas classics, highlighted by Antonio Vivaldi’s timeless Gloria, a brilliant and uplifting masterpiece for chorus, soloists, and orchestra.
Saturday, December 7 / 9am - 12pm / Great Room
Christmas is on its way and we can’t wait to celebrate with you! Join us for a special morning with pancakes, crafts, pictures with Santa and more. Drop in anytime between 9am and 12pm, last pancakes will be served at 11:30am. This is a free event!
Happening in North Georgia
Weekly Blessing and/or Quotes
Go now into this season of Advent with hearts full of hope. Behold the promises of God, for they are sure and steadfast. While waiting, trust that the light of Christ is breaking into your darkness. Amen.
“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” — Desmond Tutu
“Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.” — Corrie Ten Boom
Top Ten: I have a notebook listing ten things that serve as a brain dump. It is random but fun.
We put up our Christmas decorations this week and it got me thinking….what are some other creative ways to decorate?
Santa's Beach Vacation - Dress Santa in swim trunks and sunglasses.
Candy Cane Forest - Line the driveway with giant candy canes and silly signs.
Alien Christmas - Add UFOs and aliens wearing Santa hats.
Talking Wreath - Add a speaker to make the wreath "talk" to visitors.
Duct Tape Stockings - Hang stockings made of holiday-patterned duct tape.
Holiday Hats on Everything - Put Santa hats on lamps, chairs, and statues.
Ceiling Snowfall - Hang paper snowflakes at head-bumping height.
Random Gift Boxes - Scatter comically large and tiny wrapped "gifts" everywhere.
Christmas Sock Garland - String mismatched holiday socks across a wall.
Dancing Santa Projection - Project a Santa doing silly dances on your house.
What did I miss? Of course, my wife won’t let me do any of these.