Don’t forget to say, “Thank you!” I remind my children to be grateful because someone reminded me.
One Thanksgiving, when my children were little, I attempted the traditional act of going around the table telling of one thing you have been grateful for during the year. But, unfortunately, as they whined and moaned, it felt more like a turkey hostage situation than it did a ritual of gratitude.
When we are more anxious and less optimistic about our world, gratitude is an excellent public practice. Life is an abundance of shared gifts. It may be easier to express thankfulness privately, but consider the difference if we publicly express our gratitude for how we live.
The Psalmist declares, “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
Friends, today is a gift. It is the only day we have. Let’s be grateful.
Pastor Jamey
Question to Consider: What is one way to express gratitude today?
Prayer: Heavenly Father, Thank You for the gift of today, for the moments You have filled with Your grace and love. Help us to see each day as an opportunity to rejoice in Your goodness and to share gratitude with those around us. Amen.
Sunday, December 1 / 12:00 pm / Gainesville Jewelry parking lot
On Sunday, December 1st, we will build a bridge with our homeless neighbors in Gainesville, Georgia. We will provide lunch for around 110 of our neighbors at 1 pm in the parking lot of Gainesville Jewelry, and YOU are invited to join us. We will need people to help set up and tear down. We will need people to provide green beans, macaroni and cheese trays, rolls, sodas, and various desserts. Most importantly, we need folks to come and have fellowship with our friends as we break bread together.
"This a wonderful day. I’ve never seen this one before." – Maya Angelou
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